Nearly everyone has a strong opinion about fall. Some of us crave it all year and can’t wait for leaves to change and the kids to go back to school. Others dread its cool arrival because it signals the end of another summer. Love it or curse it, fall is coming just the same. Will you be ready for it?
Get Ready with our Upcoming Webinar!
I think the change of season is a natural time to take stock – to reflect on what you accomplished in the last three months and clarify what you hope to accomplish in the next three. So before you put away the beach towels and pull out the warmer sheets, I want you to take some time to think about what you’re still hoping to accomplish this summer.
Are you on track to get it all done and still enjoy some personal time during these last few weeks of August? Or will you end up rolling over a half-finished summer to-do list into autumn?
Getting the Time Management Tools You Need for a Fantastic Fall
Maybe you’re putting off a major project, or you can’t find the time to finally organize your home office. Maybe the things that keep falling to the bottom of that to-do list are all family activities or overdue home improvement projects. Or maybe your kids will be going to school with broken pens and last year’s sneakers unless you can carve out some time for a major shopping trip or two.
Yikes! It’s overwhelming to keep so many plates spinning, isn’t it? No wonder so many Americans are guzzling coffee, downloading productivity apps and working themselves to the bone in a never-ending race to get it all done, even during summer. I see clients all the time who think they know how to be productive, but still aren’t getting to the next level in their lives.
As participants in my last webinar know, I suggest writing down a list of things that are overwhelming you each day. Seeing all those tasks, challenges and emotions in one place is a simple way to get a big-picture view of where you are and what’s keeping you from moving forward. (And if you’re not doing this yet, start today!)
Looking at the list of things that overwhelm you and the things you still need to accomplish is one thing. But how do you decide whether to organize your inbox or tackle your child’s back-to-school paperwork first? Is finishing that report more urgent than answering emails from your boss? And are there any tasks on your to-do list that you actually shouldn’t do?
My next webinar is designed to help you answer those questions! I’ll help you learn the time management tools that will actually allow you to move your business forward and achieve a peaceful work/life balance.
Join me on September 6th for Back to School Without Freaking Out: Simple Tools for Peaceful Productivity. I’m tailoring this webinar to address the specific challenges that my clients face at this time of year. Even if you don’t have kids headed back to school, transitioning from summer to fall can be a major adjustment – and not just because everything in the grocery store is suddenly flavored with pumpkin spice.
I hope to connect with you soon! In the meantime, I hope you’re enjoying all the best parts of summer and gearing up for a truly fantastic fall.
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