Unlocking Productivity for Realtors
True Focus Coaching empowers realtors to be high producers while having a work/life blend that works for them.
The GOAL: Happier realtors with a balanced lifestyle who are very productive and less stressed.
I Can Help!
Does this sound familiar…

“I’m working all of the time and I don’t know how I will keep this pace up.”

“I really need down time, more peaceful time in my day and life in general, more time with our family/friends, my hobbies and vacations.”

“My current process isn’t getting me where I want to go on my goals. I’ve tried a lot of things and I’m not making the changes that I need to make. I’m not increasing my production.”
I’ve got GREAT news for you – you are in the right place!
Clients learn which activities will REALLY get them where they want to go and how to fit them in, and learn how to not say yes automatically, professionally.
It is possible to learn how to create the work/life blend that works for your brain, your body, your business, and your life.
I show clients how to connect their minutes in their days with their long-term goals.
You’ll establish a routine that works for you to enjoy time with your family, take a vacation, or just have “you” time and know that things are handled. You’ll have a work/life blend that works not only for vacations but also day to day.
You’ll actually learn how to reach ALL of your goals more quickly and more efficiently. You’ll spend less time on time wasters and time robbers and achieve a work/life blend that you love.
Why does this work?
It’s not about overwhelm and procrastination – it’s how our brains work and the habits we’ve already established. Once clients understand the approach that will work for how they are wired, we’re able to realign, and create the right pathways to habits that allow you to reach your goals.
Our Productive Realtor Clients
Our Realtor clients get in control of their time and build more fulfilling lives — both professionally and personally.
“Before working with Sarah, I was all over the place. I am now focused on my schedule, mapping it out and making things happen.
I can serve my clients, support my team, make money, and reward myself! For me this means I can actually get time for myself outside of work every day—Not just on vacations.
I have increased my production and income 20% in the last year. I would not be where I am today without Sarah.”
Productivity Trainings, Events, and Tools for Realtors
Time Management in TODAY'S Real Estate Market
Supercharge Your Results with Less Stress. Learn how to overcome distractions, build structure, and grow your business.
Time Management in the Land of Constant Distraction for Realtors
Stop spinning, close the deals, and have the life you want. Get instant access to this free training with Dr. Sarah to learn more.