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A Year of Time Mastery with Dr. Sarah!

12 Months of Targeted Productivity

Get started with a Strategy Session!

This is for you if…

  1. You want to get clear on what you really want in your life. What would it feel like to live your life truly on purpose? You will know you have that clarity when you are actually living it. Come live that dream now.
  2. Once you have that clear vision, you want to know exactly how to get there – and quickly. What if you could get an hour back a day or reclaim even more time in your day, week, and whole year?
  3. You are ready to create space for the life you want and ready to live it – Finally. Imagine being able to go to bed with a clear head, and to wake up knowing you have the space in your day to get everything handled. You’ll learn how to do that with ease.
  4. Learn how to connect your actions now with where you want to end up. Stop being ‘ busy’. Learn how to prioritize in completely new ways so that you have time to get the important work done and still have plenty of time for your family and yourself.
Time Mastery for Professionals | Time management for professionals | Productivity for professionals

Get Top Level Coaching!  With Dr. Sarah and her team’s experience, training, and support you will be able to relax knowing you have a support system in place to help you so you will have more time and space for all that you want to do!

What’s Included…

Here’s what you’ll receive being coached and supported by Dr. Sarah and your new Time Mastery community:

  1. 2 LIVE 3-Day Training Retreats – Over three days Dr. Sarah will guide you through her Anchor Your Goals – Create Your Life Retreat, you will dive deeply into what it is you really want in your whole life, clarify your goals for the next 12 months and create your clear steps forward. 

  3. 10 In-depth Time Mastery Training Calls – We will deep dive into the Time Mastery Blue Print with 10 x 90 Minute Zoom training calls! 

  5. 10 Small Group Accountability and Coaching Calls – Monthly Zoom calls lead by Dr. Sarah to review your annual goals, keep you on track, and continue to clarify your next best steps. Each call includes time for individual support for each participant. 

  7. Weekly Planning and Implementation Labs – Weekly Zoom calls lead by Dr. Sarah to walk you through the Weekly Planning That Works process and to share what went well, get accountability, and give support. 

  9. Private Facebook Group Community, Exclusive Training Portal, and Peer Support Groups – Enjoy a safe environment to harness the power of the Time Mastery community and get support when you need it.
  10. VIP Access to Time Matters Boot Camp LIVE! and other events.   
  11. Recording of all training calls (Included)  – Easily revisit trainings if and when you choose.

Program Bonuses…

Bonus #1: Jump Start Your Productivity Home Study

Get started with easy bite sized steps right away!  This home study course will help you:

  • Immediately figure out where you are wasting time and make changes to get more done
  • Create daily and weekly routines that allow you to know that the important things are just handled
  • Set up and follow a consistent weekly planning process that works for you
  • Have a process to plan for success and keep steering toward your goals
  • Learn how to choose the activities that will really get you where you want to go and how to fit them in

Bonus #2: Time Matters Boot Camp 90-Day Virtual Program

  • Get support implementing this core productivity and time management program with weekly training and support. (1 X week for 12 weeks)
  • Step by step implementation and customization of Dr. Sarah’s WISE Living Formula

Bonus #3: Set Your Office Up for Success Virtual Retreat

  • Get your office set up for success for 2025 before 2024 is even over.
Scott Alving learning from Dr Sarah Reiff-Hekking

Enroll Today!

Get started with a Strategy Session!

Nancy, realtor

“As a Realtor, time is my currency and mastering my schedule is critical.


Since I started working with Sarah, I have learned how to schedule my time around my priorities (all my priorities, not just work). It’s made a huge difference in my mindset and business results!”

– Nancy Peterson, Realtor
J Barrett Realty

Tracey, attorney

“Before working with Sarah I worked all the time (or felt like I should be)… Sarah taught me the tools I needed to leave the office knowing everything is handled.


I can relax and take weekends off – while meeting my financial and practice goals. I highly recommend Dr. Sarah!”

– Tracey Ingle, Attorney
Ingle Law

“Dr. Sarah’s program has helped me focus on getting both short term work done while chipping away at long term goals.
Her weekly planning process is like gold: it prods me to slow down and prioritize, which makes my work and home life so much better!”

– Scott Wolf, Managing Partner, Schlossberg, LLC

“Before the course, I was overwhelmed with the challenges and opportunities surrounding my business’s launch.
With the tools I have now, I’ve been able to grow from 1 employee to 6 in less than a year and we’re on pace to double our run rate in 6 months, all with less stress.
My business would not be where it is today without Sarah.”

– David Jolicoeur, Owner
Connect Home Management

Tammy Waugh Headshot

“Before working with Sarah, I was all over the place. I am now focused on my schedule, mapping it out and making things happen.
I can serve my clients, support my team, make money, and reward myself! For me this means I can actually get time for myself outside of work every day—Not just on vacations.
I have increased my production and income 20% in the last year. I would not be where I am today without Sarah.”

Tammy Waugh, Realtor
The Waugh Group Realty, Berkshire Hathaway

“I highly recommend Dr. Sarah!
As a small business owner, the lines often blur between personal and professional activities and it can become overwhelming how to get your arms around everything. Sarah is brilliant at stepping you through a structure and process to get more accomplished than you ever dreamed of.
As a result of her program, I’m back on track and more productive than ever. Thank you Sarah!”

Donna Ceriani, Leadership Consultant and Success Coach